Improving Blood Circulation and Spine Pain Through Halasana

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Backbone pain and neckpain is one of the major problem in students and children that occur while working and studying or due to sitting at one place for more then 2 to 3 hours .So it is suggested to all workers and student to do some asanas regularly to keep yours body away from these pain , Halasana is one of the asanas that helps in releiving pain of neck and backbone.This asanas has many other benefit mention below.

  1. Relives constipation, keeps the spive supple and improves digestion.
  2. It keeps healthy thyroid and parathyroid glands and helps in preventing diabetes mellitus.
  3. The spine receives an extra supply of blood due to the forward bend and this relives backache.
  4. Reduces fat from all parts of the body, especially the waist. Makes the body lighter and more active.
  5. This asana improves blood circulation in the brain, thereby contributing to intelligence, alertness and good memory.
  6. Its activates abdominal and rectal muscles as well as the thighs.
  7. Plough Posture is an excellent tonic for maintaining the spine in its best condition.
  8. It makes the posterior region elastic,constipation and sluggish working of the liver are all set right.
  9. The spleen too, is massaged and tones up neck and shoulder and removes excess fat on the hips.
  10. In this asana, the muscles of the back are stretched fully and then relaxedand also Every part of the vertebral column receives a rich supply of blood

Technique - Lie flat on the carpet with the hands limp alongside. Press the hands down on the ground as you lift the legs off the carpet. Without bending at the knees, raise the hips higher and bring the legs over the head and backwards till the toes touch the ground. Keep the knees straight and the legs together in a straight line. Remain in the pose for a few seconds, and return to your original position.

Note - Aged persons and those suffering from back pain and high blood pressure should not do this Asana.

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