Joint pain affects most of us.This pain is common most among Old Peoples Our joints ache excruciatingly either due to inflammation or as a result of constant wear and tear.If we dont take proper care of our Joints then it will be harmful for us causing Problem Like Arthitis Which is common in this modern world. To make yours Knee Fit you have to perform certain asanas .
- Bajrasana is most effective asanas among all digestion related asanas that help in improving yours digestion and making yours Digestion process work properly.This asanas along with increasing digestion power, Increase concentration power and makes yours backbone straight and flexible knees joint.
- Bhujangasana makes the spine flexible, removes constipation, prevents Arthritis. The lungs becomes strong. Bhujangasana should be practiced along with Shalabhasana and Dhanurasana for deriving maximum benefit. Bowel movement is free and you will not suffer from any major old age problems. You can maintain good shape of the body throughout the life span. Make it a part of your daily routine and enjoy life to fullest extent.
- Simple Pranayama is recommended, which involved deep breathing, special type of Pranayama with Inhalation via right nostril and exhalation via both nostrils.
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