Yoga pose for better Sleep

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Sleep means total relaxation of body and mind, no activity of mind, no movement in mind. It is the state of unconsciousness as for as outwards moving consciousness is concerned. Mind does not function in real sleep. If dream is there, it is not sleep.The ability of yoga to reduce muscle tension, slow your heart rate and calm a racing mind provides the perfect recipe for a good night's sleep.

Less sleep can cause Insomnia and Sleeplessness is common problem amongst people due to alteration in working pattern, tension, anxiety, uneven life style etc.This will lead to many incurable and dangerous life threatening problems. We are destroying our body and health ,Sleeping is an import part of life and every want to get better sleep as it provide relaxation to whole body ,

Breathing Asanas (Pranayam ) Shavasana and Yognidra is very useful in improving yours Sleep.Ayurvedayoga is alos provising bried detail on how to get better sleepin night .

Tips to get better sleep at night - Avoid Substances like alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, nicotine and drugs are precursors to bad sleep; these substances are known to make you restless during night. Avoid such harmful substances to get a better night sleep.

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