Sirshasana If you are not feeling confident enough to tackle the full head stand keep practicing the preliminary steps to help wall prepare your body for the full posture, this asanas increases memory power and makes ours eye sight and Concentration strong.

Tecnique- Sit on yours heels with elbows and palm on the ground in front of of you and look a head of you ,now breathe in while pushing forward in the crown of head opening the back of the neck.The directs the area into the top portion of lungs,Stregthen you knees and bring your feet up towards the ceiling.Breath deeply and try to hold the headsatnd in 15-20 sec
Caution -Persons with high or low blood pressure, atherosclerosis (blocked blood vessels), any history of strokes, serious eye disease, pus in ears, suffering from constipation, suffering from neck injury, or also who have organically defective pituitary.Do Not Do This Asanas.
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