Triconasana relieves pain from joints neck and shoulder

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Triconasana is one of the eaiest yoga that help in relieving the pain in the jointsof the neck and shoulder,It is also benificial for spinal cord,The hips ,The Thigh,the arms and the fingers and develop the mental power,This asanas is alos beneficials for the eyes.

Technique.-Stand with yours feet apart and yours arm heald straight out at shoulder level Twist to the left and place your right hand on the left leg fingers,Point yours left arm straight up Look up towards yours hand.Hold for 20-30 seconds,Repeat but twisting to left legs ,straight,lookup,shoulder directly above hand.

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Anonymous said...

These yoga are very hard to do . I am sure it has benefits , but hard to do .

Scrappur said...

Depends On Yrs Will Power , Regular Practice Can Make You Expert .