Control ways to reduce belly fats with yoga

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Cutting your calorie intake , sweets , food that contributes to high carbohydrate,Drink lots of water,Eat smaller meals, but eat more often, Breakfast should be your daily priority are some Tips to reduce fats ,But along with this if you do pranayam regularly then it will give you 100 % effective result , It has alredy been proved that following proper diet and pranayam can make you control over yours body fats,we have alredy discussed in ours previous Post about three asanas pranayams and mudras that help in control yours body fats in full.

  • Anulom Vilom Pranayam - is the very effective Pranayam that helps in maintain blood pressure level, Blood sugar (diabeties) , Improving Concentration etc etc .and many other importance describe in Anulom vilom pranayam.
  • Yog Mudras - 10 plus Mudras for effective Control Of Human Body. All these Mudras have a salutary effect on the mind and the body to help maintain them at peak efficiency and /or help to cure them should they get stricken by any ailment or disease.
  • Breathing Technique-There are three types of breathing exercises that can help alleviate, or even cure, diabetes.Aalom vilom (AV) ,Kapalbharti (KB),Agnisar are the three ways that control ours body.
We will add and provide you with more and effective asanas and pranayams along with some tips that are effective in reducing yours fats from yours body .

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