Yoga Control Cure HIV AIDS Treatment

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Will Aids can be cured and controlled via yoga ? Answer is Yes It is possible to cured Aids through Yoga , No medicine No doctor,Only yoga will play an important role in controlling AIDS ,Baba Ramdev's also Claims to Cure HIV by Yoga and i am in support of swami ramdev is this matter.

Yoga is the only way via which we can control our whole body , A regular practice of yogasan can prove this possible.Breathing Exercise or Pranayam and many other asanas like padmasan helps you in controlling yours body , As we know Hiv or Aids Virus hits directly to ours immune system , and makes ours immunity system weak. A strong immunnity system can only way to control aids and later cured also . A immunty system is resposible to prevent our body from many disease , A strong immunity system protects organisms from infection with layered defenses of increasing specificity.

The main work of Aids is to weaken ours immunity system ,If we rugular updating our immunity system  through yoga then it is possible to control also , combination of  science ,and yoga help in finding or proper
treatement of HIV AIDS

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