Brahmari Pranayama Increases concentration memory and confidence

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Brahmari means bumble bee. In this breathing practice your lips are supposed to be shut, and you are supposed to gently and smoothly make a sound like a humming bee in your throat.While practicing this pranayama, a buzzing sound is produced from the nostrils.This Pranayam is useful for breathing exercise that develops powers of concentration memory and confidence.

Technique -To Perform this pranayam Sit in a comfortable position with your spine erect or sit up erect in a chair if you have problem in sitting such that your abdomen and chest are "open" (rather than slouching). Allow your eyes to close. Relax your body. Close your lips throughout the practice, but leave your mouth cavity open in the back, in the area of the throat. Inhale through both the nostrils slowly and deeply.Press right nostril with the right thumb and retain the breath for a while.Exhale through both the nostrils concentrating at the throat area and producing a humming sound. The sound will resemble the buzzing of a bee. The exhalation should be slower than the inhalation.Repeat for at least 9 times.

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