These Days Bhastrika Pranayam is more popular among all age peoples as it is useful in Relieving inflammation of the throat ,Increases gastric fire ,breaks and dissolve the tumors,Helps In Awakening the Kundalini gives good appetite,Purifies the Nadis considerably ,Removes diseases of the nose and chest and eradicates asthma etc Removes all diseases which arise from excess of wind, bile and phlegm.Also gives warmth to the body.Very much useful in Muscular Dystrophy and Oxygen deficiency disorders. Stabilizes Prana and calms mind, and helps the upward journey This Pranayama brings about a proper balance of the three Doshas i.e. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and maintains their balance. Blood is purified and the body gets rid of foreign objects and toxins.
Technique -Sit on Padmasana. Keep the body, neck and head erect,Now Breathe In Through Both The Nostril Forcefully Till the lungs are Full and Diaphragm is Stretched,then Breathe Out Forcefully also But see abdonominal cavity does not blow up due to the air breathed in.Depending up the health and capicity of individual ,This pranayam can be done in three variable speed i.e Slow Speed ,Medium Speed and Fast Speed.
Caution- This pranayama is not allowed by people who are pregnant or have High blood pressure.However there are some other three reasons also why one will not perform Bhastrika Pranayam You will get more details on this pranayam after watching above Video.
Bhastrika Pranayam for Awakening the Kundalini
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