Blood Pressure (High Blood Pressure and Low Blood Pressure ) is something like Closed Bottle that Kills Human Body from inside regularly and continously Medicine is not a perfect solution ,the one and only one solution that can control high and low blood pressure is yoga and pranayam (Differnt ways of Breathing) as every disease and life is related with our breathing system If we breath properly we can maintain our body properly by throwing out all disease through our breathing system and make our body capable enough that all organs can work properly without any problem.Below are some asanas and prayam that help in making yours blood pressure in yours Control.As 99% Results are in support of this pranayam ,1% is for those who dont do these pranayam regularly !
Anuloma Viloma Pranayam -( alternate breathing ) the action of alternate nostril breathing is the calmness and lucidity of mind that result .
Technique : Breath through the left nostril , close nostril with thumb and inhale through left nostril to a count of five , exhale to a count of eight . repeat 10 times . breath through the right nostril ,close left nostril with two end fingers . inhale through right nostril to a count of five and exhale to eight . repeat 10 times the alternate breathing .Continuing this pranayam atleast 15 days to find the effect of this pranayam on yours body watch below video on how to do Anulom Vilom Pranayam.
If you are dependent on medicine to control blood pressure then i will recommend you to drink Luffa Juice regularly as it is most import source of drink or natural medicine that can control yours blood pressure.Inspite of these there are many Yoga asanas that can Cure Blood Pressure but most important and effective is only Anulom Vilom Pranayam.
Yoga Cures and Control Blood Pressure
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