Breathing Yoga Asanas and Pranayams

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There are Hundred Of Yogas and Asanas and Pranayams and all these affects ours Body Organs and Parts In Different Ways,Style of Breathing Effects Our Body and only through this we can cure any disease with regulary practice .Medicines are just for Controlling Disease not curing only few medicines are available that can cure disease.Our body is capable enough to control and cure Harmful disease ,But we have to make our body to fit enough so that they can fight against disease . And all this is possible only with regular yogas,pranayams,Asanas and also with regular proper and nutrious food.

  • Anulom Vilom Pranayam - is the very effective Pranayam that helps in maintain blood pressure level, Blood sugar (diabeties) , Improving Concentration etc etc .and many other importance describe in Anulom vilom pranayam.
  • Yog Mudras - 10 plus Mudras for effective Control Of Human Body. All these Mudras have a salutary effect on the mind and the body to help maintain them at peak efficiency and /or help to cure them should they get stricken by any ailment or disease.
  • Breathing Technique-There are three types of breathing exercises that can help alleviate, or even cure, diabetes.Aalom vilom (AV) ,Kapalbharti (KB),Agnisar are the three ways that control ours body.

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