Height has been major problem for all youngester specially in present generation.Sports ,Wresling,Fashion,Modeling, Military etc all this Field need long Height ,Person with Long Height get preference everyehere.Some get long height from there family some get small . But with hard work right from the begining specially befor 18 anyone can make his/her body elastic to increase there height.It is necessary to make bone structure elastic if one is to become taller. To make Bone elastic you have to persorm anyone or all asanas mention below regularly.This asanas are tested and reflect results very quickly if you are maintaing yours diet and doing these asana regularly.
- Padahastasan - (Legs hand pose) It is a simple but invigorating position ,in which the joints are mobilized and the brain is supplied with on increased Amount Of Blood, This Asanas Increases Height, Increases MemoryPower and Reduce Excessive fat.
- Ardha Chandrasana - ( Half Moon Pose ) -This asana flexible backbone .This asanas cures back pain ,shoulder pain ,and hand pain .this asanas reduces excessive fat .this asanas increases height.
- Paschimottanasana-The legs are stretched to their fullest toning up the hamstring ,It is a good antidote for backache and back problems,This asana removes surplus fatty tissues from the waistline.,It massages the abdomen and its organs and aids digestions.
- Chakrasana (Bridge)-Through this asana as aspirant can made his spine quit elastic. Elasticity of the spine preserves youth of a very long time. This asana increase height and increase memory power and excess fat also reduces.
- Ustrasana : ( Camel pause ) –This asanas increases height , flexible backbone and asthma and tonsil problem also cures . It improves eye sight .
- Ardha Chandrasana: ( Half Moon Pose ) -This asana flexible backbone .This asanas cures back pain ,shoulder pain ,and hand pain .this asanas reduces excessive fat .this asanas increases height.
- Sasangasana: This asana increase the height.This asanas makes yours back bone flexible and Reduces excess fat in yours body.
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