Dhanurasana: ( Bow Pause ) The bow works all parts of the back ,simultaneously increasing strength and suppleness in the spine and the hips . it increase backward bending , flexibility in your spinal column and release tension and Gives strength to penis and vagina to keep sexual organs in good condition .Other Important Benefir of These Asanas.
- It removes intra-uterine troubles, regulates menstruation and reduces greatly pains in the pelvic region.
- Bow posture keeps the spine healthy and flexible, removes the nervous debility and helpful in relieving the pitta disorders and constipation.
- This asana improves digestion and massaged entire back .
- Its improves the efficiency of the liver, the kidneys and the glands.
- Bow Posture stretches the muscles of the abdomen, the back, the legs, the arms and the neck.

Technique: Lie on your stomach ,keep the arms on either side of the body with the chin on the ground , bend the legs backward at the keens and place the heel close to the buttock ,the abdomen should remain touch the ground when backward. ( 15-25) secs.
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