Bhujangasana (Cobra Pause ) This asana removes spinal pain and and course other spinal disorder .it cures abdomen problem , constipation ,neck problem etc.Inspite of these this asanas has many other benefits mention below.
- Bhujangasana is one of the best asana for all spinal and back-ache problems.
- Bhujangasana tones up the entire spinal column pulling at the same time, the abdominal muscles.
- asana is of particular help in toning up sluggish uterine muscles and ovaries.
- It is a powerful antidote against wet-dreams and leucorrhoea.
- It develops the chest and firms the bust.
- It helps to keep the female reproductive organs healthy.
- Good for injured and slightly displaced spinal discs. Puts discs in their original position.
- Tones up muscles, tendons and ligaments as well as nerves and blood vessels of the spinal regions.
- Tones up supra-renal medulla, which manufactures adrenalin, the hormone promoting energy.
- The thoracic cavity is widened and allows full expansion of the lungs, thereby increasing breathing power.
- Activates chest, shoulder, neck, face and head areas in an effective way, enhanceing facial beauty.

Technique: : Lie on the floor with the face down ward; place the palm on the ground under heath the shoulder .slowly raise the head and the trunk like the hood of a spent ,bend the spine backward , stretch the feet backward so that the toes touch on the ground .there will be strain on the abdomen ,hold the breath ,and hold this position 10- 20 secs .
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