The power of concentration is a skill that is easy to master, that is if you have the willpower to do so,There are many website providing different ways to increase concentration while studying and working at home or at office but there are only few ways that can be followed permanentely and give you effective result.
- Garurasana is one of the easiest asana that help you in increasing yours concentration in your work This asanas also help restraining the mind and strengthen the legs.This asanas will be practiced only for 1 -2 minutes every day.
- Bhramari pranyam -This is a Pranayam that Increase yours Memory Power,Cocentration Power and makes yours Mind to Become Peace And Fresh. This Pranayam, also Cure Ears Problem.
- Padmasan - This is most popular asana that help in retaining yours lost concentration and gives you result very fast,Since backbone plays an important role in concentration , therfore this asansa Power and backbone straight and flexible knee joint.
- Mayursaana -This asanas also helps in demands strengthen , flexibility and concentration to yours mind and help in reducing stress from Mind . This asana increases memory power also.
You can practise any One asanas among above asanas,but need to be practiced regularly for you to concentrate and focus on the things that really matter most for you.
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