Yoga Keep Eyes Healthy and Improve Eye Vision

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Everone wants to make his/her eyes free from all harmful natural effects ,Simple yogic exercises can keep your eyes free from impaired vision and ugly spectacles. However there are many simple home remedies that help in making yours eyes always healthy.It is also recommended to eat Carrots which are healthy for eyes. Fruits like papaya, grapes, water melons, oranges, as well as green, leafy vegetables improve muscular weakness of eyes. Vitamin E rich food like almonds and peanuts are beneficial too.To give relaxation to your eyes from increasing pollution use few drops of rose water mixed with Amla brings relief from burning sensation, swelling, pain and irritation of eyes ,For More Better Result Do Pranayam and Yoga for Eyes ,Some Eyes Yoga are mention below

  • Yog Mudra -Pran Mudra helps in improving weak eyesight and quiescence (motionlessness) of the eyes.
  • Main key to improved eyesight is to relieve mental strain. The simple yet effective technique of palming for half an hour a day gives the mind and the eyes a break and relieves muscular rigidity. Cover closed eyes with cupped warm palms and let the darkness soothe the strain. Do not touch or put any pressure on the eyes. When enough relaxation is attained, you’ll notice increased visual clarity immediately. This achievement will last only a few seconds at the beginning.

  • Halasana improves blood circulation in the brain, thereby contributing to intelligence, alertness and good it is helpful in blood circulation therefore it helps in the supply of blood to the eyes.
  • Sarvangasana is considered to be the best yoga posture as it reduces the puffiness and dark circles of your eyes and it should be performed daily.
  • Anuloma Viloma Pranayam -( alternate breathing ) the action of alternate nostril breathing is the calmness and lucidity of mind that result .This pranayam is also help in removing dark circles under yours eyes.

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