Relaxing Body By Controliing Breathing

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Yoga highlights the thought that by using breathing and relaxation techniques you can eliminate the harmful effects of stress factors on your body. A lessened "fight or flight" response can also be achieved by looking at adverse factors as challenges rather than threats. This approach allows your mind to focus on finding a solution, rather than creating a sudden and rash response. Another concept employed by this technique is that of acting versus reacting, of taking initiative versus responding to outside factors.

The positive effects of yoga during a healing process are undeniable. However, these techniques should only be used as a form of support and the healing shouldn’t rely solely on them. The best results are achieved by combining yoga with traditional and modern medicine and by addressing a problem both from a mental and physical point of view Breathing and Relaxing yours body

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Bob Johnson said...

Lots of good stuff here, I like the idea about looking at adverse situations as challenges as opposed to threats